About Us

Our Mission

Our mission is to prevent crime from happening by creating conditions that will discourage and perturb people to commit crimes, in collaboration with all communities. We aspire to achieve the highest client satisfactory level within our service delivery.

Our Vision

Our vision is to expand to attract the younger generation to participate in the security industry to help fight crime in our country. To create employment for both men and women, to ensure a safe community, leading to a peaceful and stable society. The company values all cultural diversity and therefore we strive to educate and assist where we possibly can.
We also aim in establishing female generations whereby they can be independent, sophisticated, confident, and strong individuals. In that they, themselves can one day start their own business and become a new empire.


Our Service Business is About Delivering

Our goal is to set expectations against which our performance can be measured.

Investing and training

Security is a skill and requires knowledge, that is why Betel Security Pty Ltd are continuously investing in training for our security officers which is critical. Training forms an integral part of our business structure for example pre – assignment and site specific – training. In markets where basic security training is a condition to licensing, pre assignment training should focus on company processes as well as the key areas of basic training. Site specific training should line up exactly with client expectations.

Polygraph Testing and Investigations

We also offer the services of a private investigator and an independent polygrapher.

Property services

We accept responsibility for three phases that is relevant to the provision of contractual security services.

-Analysis and blueprint of an individualised security solution specified to your premises.

-Application of this security solution once acceptance has been obtained.

-Preceding to any service commencing a broad site survey is conducted by our experienced management team.

From our site survey we will compile a site instruction that is signed by ourselves and the client where after site training commence.

Background checks

Using background checks of all varieties to gain better insight into who the client might be hiring.

We offer the three key components of comprehensive background checks which include:

Identity verification: social security number or previous address history.

Review of public records:  state-wide and country criminal, public and court records.

Conducting verifications: to verify educational or professional attributes featured on an applicant’s resume.

Technology– Off site monitoring

Guards use active track electronic devices which provides real-time guard tracking and patrol monitoring solutions. Advanced reporting, live stats, and the ability to communicate and listen from the device and has a panic button. I way communicator.


Betel Security officers are fully committed to safeguarding your premises, people, and possessions. All our officers are well versed in de-escalation and conflict resolution tactics.